RED EYE Now-a-days every person has got an infection in the eyes, because suddenly the humidity has increased a lot in the weather and we know that bacteria and viruses are increasing in the humidity, but we are not feeling well. 

Precaution :  
            :Hygiene is the main role in this, so please keep your hands clean and avoid touching                     your eyes frequently.
            :You should take diet and food rich in vitamins.
            :When you got infection wear the dark goggle .
            :frequently wash your hand and face.
            :Use a proper cotton hankie for wipe your eyes.
            : don't expose your eyes into open environment.

Symptopm : 

               : excessive irritation eyes.
               :foreign body sensation.
               :slightly burning eyes.
               :swelling eye lids sometime sticky eyelids.
               :discharge continously 
                : itching of eyes .
                : sometime patient feel pain 


                    :  Don't use antibiotic again and again because when we take antibiotic regularly                            we  destroy our immunity.
                    : It can be easily treated with homeopathic medicine without any side effects.


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