Homeopathy approach for acne remedy A common problem, acne develops when the pores of the skin get clogged with sebum (an oil substance produced by sebaceous gland in skin) and dead skin cells. The acne may appear as small raised red bumps (papules) or these may be pus-filled (pustules). In some cases, these may be hard and sometimes form large painful lumps (cystic acne) under the skin. The acne occurring from hormonal imbalance / fluctuations are referred to as hormonal acne. Such acne breakouts occur when intense hormonal shifts or changes happen in the body. Hormonal acne occurs more in women in comparison to men as fluctuation in hormones tends to be more in women. In women such hormonal fluctuations and sometimes associated acne occur during puberty, menstrual cycle (causing breakouts coinciding with women’s menstrual cycle), pregnancy, childbirth, menopause (causing menopausal acne) or some medical reason like PCOS and thyroid problems. Polycystic ovarian...